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Laser Processing

Lasing gases and assist gases; ensuring the highest weld and cut quality, increased productivity and reduced rejects

Whether you are cutting, marking or welding with a laser, Air Products offers the complete range of lasing and assist gases. Reduce downtime and gas wastage with high-pressure packs, our CryoEase® microbulk, high-pressure liquid solutions or on-site generators.

When it comes to laser resonator gas, our complete range of high-quality Experis® gases are available as pre-mixed cylinders or individual, high purity, pure gases. These cylinders meet, or exceed, the gas purity and mixture accuracy specifications of the world's leading laser manufacturers and are available from stock.

Laser Gas solutions from Air Products

Ask our laser experts.

Air Products' metal fabrication experts are here to help.

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Ask the Expert

"How do I know what gas mixture or purity of gas I need for my laser resonator?”
At Air Products, our teams of laser experts have access to data detailing the necessary purities, pressures and flows of most popular lasers.


Air Products gases, typically provided in gaseous and liquid form, enable customers in a wide range of industries to improve their environmental performance, product quality, and productivity.


Supplied in cylinders, packs, through our CryoEase® service or bulk liquid tanks, nitrogen is the gas of choice for cutting stainless steel. All modes are available at high pressure and can be configured to ensure continual cutting without downtime associate when changing or refilling the nitrogen. Additionally, high-purity individual nitrogen cylinders are available for the exacting requirements to operate the laser’s resonator where premixed cylinders are not specified.


Available in cylinders, packs, through our CryoEase® service or bulk liquid tanks, oxygen is selecting for cutting carbon steel. All modes are available at high pressure and can be configured to ensure continual cutting without downtime associate when changing or refilling the nitrogen.


Welding with lasers is becoming increasing popular - argon can be supplied in high-volume packs, through our CryoEase® service or bulk liquid tanks to meet the demands of continual manufacturing processes.


For certain laser welding , helium is the gas of choice and Air Products has a range of supply modes with high-volume packs of cylinders being a popular choice.

Specialised Gases

When it comes to your laser’s resonator, whether you require a premixed cylinder or individual cylinders of gases, Air Products offers the complete range of high-purity gases and mixes as predefined by laser OEM’s.

The Experis® Range for your Lasing Gas

Frequently, a laser requires a multi-part mix of gases to generate the actual laser. The exact mix is stipulated by the laser manufacturer along with the accuracy of the mix.

Some machines require this mixture to be supplied in pre-mixed cylinders which Air Products supplies from its high-accuracy Experis® mixtures range.

Alternately, some laser mix the resonator gas inside the machine and here Air Products supplies high specification pure gases, again, from the high-performance Experis® range.

Download Experis® Resonator Gases brochure

Request a quote.

Request a quote for your assist gases: nitrogen, oxygen, argon, helium or mixtures.

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CryoEase® Microbulkソリューション – ガス供給をシンプルに

専用の配送車で定期的に補給するコンパクトな現場用極低温タンクです。 Air ProductsのCryoEase ®マイクロバルク サービスは、少量の酸素および窒素ユーザーに大量供給の利点を提供します。

  • 時間を節約 – シリンダーの取り扱いや交換が不要
  • スペースを節約 – タンクは便利な場所に配置できるため、貴重な床スペースを節約できます
  • 安心 – 当社のガス管理システムは定期配送のスケジュールを自動的に設定し、注文を追跡したり、配送を待ったりする手間を省きます。

二酸化炭素排出量の少ない安定した信頼性の高い供給 — Air Productsが注文計画、フルフィルメント、配送を担当するため、企業へのガス配送の回数を減らすことができます。

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