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Our Identity Standards

Every day, we at Air Products carry out thousands of business transactions—buying, selling, promoting, advertising, commenting, transporting, manufacturing. Whatever part you play in these transactions, you will always be presenting Air Products to a variety of audiences, who will form an opinion of the company from what they see. The Air Products corporate identity expresses clearly who and what we are and the information presented within this site will help us achieve this goal.

General Information

The Air Products signature is a symbol of our organization and one of our most valuable assets. Always position it for maximum impact and keep clear of any other graphic elements. To regulate this, an exclusion zone that indicates the closest any elements can be positioned in relation to the signature. In reproducing our signature, consider its size and legibility and use common sense.

P is a measurement of a particular part of the symbol, which correlates with the letter height of the Air Products logotype.

In lieu of Air Products green, you may use Pantone 347.

The colors shown here and throughout the on-line manual are not intended to match the PANTONE Color Standards. PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. PANTONE is Pantone, Inc.'s check standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.

Understanding Our Identity

A unique expression of who and what we are
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Identity Manual

Our manual has been developed to provide a detailed knowledge of the Air Products corporate identity program. It describes how to implement and manage the Air Products signature in all communication materials.

View Manual


Templates have been developed with preset layouts, color palettes, type, and momentum lines to create all print and electronic communications. Please use these approved templates and consult with a member of the Corporate Communications team before designing any new materials.

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