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A multipurpose gas for the metals and materials processing industry

Argon, because of its inert property, is used across numerous applications to help improve quality as well as increase efficiency and yield in metals and materials processing. Its inert nature allows it to be used to protect molten and heated metal during processing. Its unique properties make it a great choice for processes such as Hot Isostatic Pressing, vacuum furnace quenching, atomization to make metal powders. Additionally, it is used for processing and treating metals which form nitrides, such as titanium, aluminum, and stainless steel.

Air Products offers compressed argon gas and liquid argon in a variety of purities and concentrations.

Our experienced applications teams across the globe can use their industry and application knowledge to provide you with a compressed or liquid argon supply and technology solution to meet your unique needs.

Download Argon Solutions Powered by Technology, Reliability and Safety brochure

​Argon for Metals and Materials Processing

Argon can be used in a wide range of applications across metals and materials component manufacturing:

  • Inerting atmosphere
  • HIPing/sinter HIPing
  • Gouging
  • Thermal and plasma spraying
  • Sintering
  • Heat treating
  • Quenching
  • 3D printing
  • Degassing

to provide numerous benefits, such as:

  • Reducing or eliminating surface oxidation
  • Improving part quality
  • Increasing efficiency and yields
  • Decreasing scrap

Ask the Expert

John Dwyer

Microbulk Applications Engineer, North America

“I use high-pressure gas cylinders and am concerned about safety. Is there a better way?”
Traditionally, high-pressure gas cylinders have been the supply mode for users in the low- to medium-volume range. This has left companies vulnerable to safety risks associated with moving cylinders and exposure to high pressure. Consolidating to a centralized microbulk system eliminates the need to handle cylinders and reduces the risk of product mix-up. Further benefits include decreased exposure to high-pressure containers and reduced traffic congestion with less frequent supplier deliveries. Air Products developed the microbulk supply option as a cost-effective, reliable alternative to high-pressure cylinders for nitrogen, argon, oxygen, and carbon dioxide supply. In addition to efficient and flexible storage systems, innovative piping solutions are available to help you have a smooth transition from cylinders to microbulk.

CryoEase® Microbulk Solutions — Cost-effective Alternative to Cylinders

Our CryoEase® microbulk service offers a number of unique advantages over traditional cylinder supply:

  • Saves time – no more handling or changing of cylinders
  • Saves space – tank can be sited conveniently to relieve valuable floor space
  • Peace of mind – our gas management system automatically schedules regular deliveries, saving you the hassle of chasing orders or waiting for deliveries
  • Constant and reliable supply with a lower carbon footprint – you can reduce the number of gas deliveries to your business since Air Products looks after your order planning, fulfillment and delivery
Download CryoEase® Microbulk Solutions brochure

Industrial Gas Audits and Leak Detection Services

Audits and leak detection services can be comprehensive assessments of the entire gas supply system, or specific to gas or process equipment that use the gas.

Supply Options

Air Products can help you determine the most economical supply option for your particular application and geographic location. Industrial gases are typically provided in gaseous and liquid form through a variety of supply systems.


Compressed argon gas and liquid argon in a variety of purities and in various modes of supply around the world thanks to our network of storage and transfill facilities.




少量のガス供給のための従来のソリューション。 シリンダーは、10 ~ 50リットルのフル レンジのサイズ、圧力およびガス純度で、幅広いガスおよびガス混合物に対応できます。 従来のシリンダーまたはレギュレーター内蔵の革新的なIntegra® シリンダーからお選びください。

CryoEase® マイクロバルク ソリューション

大規模な運用向けの便利で費用対効果の高いソリューション。 CryoEase® タンクはさまざまなサイズで利用できます。 CryoEase® サービスは、ボンベの取り扱い、棚卸し、注文を行う必要がなくなるため、ガス供給を簡素化します。

Get in touch with our technical experts.

Let us help you optimize argon usage to improve quality and increase efficiency and yield.


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